Monday, May 31, 2010

Blogger Interrupted

     Well a hiatus may have been must the "thing" I needed! After a 3 month absence from the mundane, I have returned with a new found zealousness, that I knew was gone, but couldn't quite remember where I saw it last. Evidently, it was left in a garden center. At least that is where I recently found it.  I have spent the past few weeks working in a well known local garden center amid the pansies and the daisies. Hard work seemed so familiar that even though my muscles ached they sang, 'finally!", I was wet, sweaty, tired and happy. Who knew? There amid the sights, sounds and smells of the greenhouses I found not only my smile, but my self esteem. Not only was my body challenged, but so was my mind. Remembering all the flora is not an easy job, especially when you have been on a decade long absence from the biz.

Now to catch up without falling behind. Quirky? yes~ True? yes ~  blog on

I not only received a free tan, but I am 17 pounds lighter... :)  grateful for the experience.